Live from SES New York with Rhea Drysdale

March 24, 2010

Bruce, Virginia and Christopher host the show live from SES New York. While those at the conference have many sessions to attend and learn from, those not at the conference also have a great educational opportunity with Bruce’s webcast with Dr. Ralph Wilson, editor-in-chief of Web Marketing Today. Bruce gives a sneak peak of the SMN webcast, during which he and Dr. Wilson will share the top 10 SEO trends to pay attention to in 2010.

Rhea Drysdale head shot
Then Virginia sits down with Rhea Drysdale, COO of Outspoken Media and an online reputation management strategist. In March, Drysdale announced that her battle to terminate a trademark for the term “SEO” had finally come to an end. Rhea shares with Virginia her legal experience and why this case was another important step in keeping the term from being trademarked in the future. She also shares her recommendations for online reputation management and the concept of all press is good press.

Then Bruce, Christopher and Virginia review the happenings and news of the conference. Google announced a new AdWords tool called Search Funnel, helping SEMs understand a user’s sequence of events through search ads. Through Search Funnel, ad impressions and clicks on ads within the 30 days before the conversion are reported to an AdWords advertiser. Last-click attribution has long been a model that falls short of giving credit where it’s due, and this new tool helps address this problem.